Sunday, December 16, 2018

Physical Activity - Active Break every day challenge

The whole school committed to an Active Break Every Day Challenge for November running into December. The Active School Committee circulated the chart that was placed on each teachers door and was ticked as they completed their challenge each day. Some classes did running breaks and laps of the yard while others did skipping and some did in class dances on Go Noodle etc.

Physical Activity - Santa Dash

We introduced some physical activity into our Christmas calendar this year by having a Santa Dash for all the classes on the Sports Pitch beside our school. The children wore their Santa hats to school to get them in the spirit and we had great fun dashing through the Astro pitch!


Physical Activity- Playground leaders

We started our playground leaders again in November. Four children from the Active School Committee lead activities on the Junior and Senior yards each month on a rota basis. In November we did target practise which the children thoroughly enjoyed. Our leaders were enthusiastic, organised and showed great leadership on the yard.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Physical Activity

October 25th 2018

We had great fun in the morning on the yard this Halloween when the children and parents were encouraged to join in and dance to the music of the "Monster Mash" in their fancy dress.

Physical Activity - Be Active After School Club

As well as teaching Physical Education lessons in school we run an after school Be Active club. Children from 2nd class do an hour extra PE activities on a Wednesday each week facilitated by teachers and parents. We are encouraging the "60 minutes physical activity every day" for the children.

Science Week

We had a fantastic interactive show about the "Secret Life of Bees"for Science Week. Joe entertained all the classes with his knowledge of biodiversity in Ireland and how important the bees are for our plant life and production of honey. We even got Active with the "Waggle" bee dance!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Mindfulness Week

We had a wonderful mindful week in our school.

We started our week with some yoga which got us all active.

We had a children's therapist and mindfulness teacher Louise Shanagher doing a workshop based on her "Mindfully Me" books with first and second classes.

In our classrooms we all tried some meditation, mindful colouring, circle time and making some glitter bottles (mindful jars) to take home with us.

And we finished our week with "Feel Good Friday" where we realised some balloons with all our feelings about our week into the sky. The children were very excited!